A brand new niece…

At 9:33 this morning in Washington, D.C., Eleanor Park Smedberg was born, much to the relief of her mom Suzanne and her dad Benjamin. She weighs 6 lbs., 6 oz. and is 19 1/4 inches tall. At 9:40 AM, Grandma went out to the waiting room and told Pappy and Uncle Matt, who were having a lively and likely sleep-deprivation-induced political debate. They put aside the relatively unimportant issue of who should be president and greeted their new granddaughter / niece. There was a general, completely objective consensus that little Eleanor is absolutely adorable, with her mom and grandma’s nose and her dad’s chin (and perhaps feet). Many pictures were taken, some of which you, dear reader, may get to see. Eleanor will be going home with Mom and Dad later this week, and will no doubt be making her family’s life much more exciting from now on.